Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Toddler & Tiara Mothers

            Now having focused on the whole picture of beauty pageants, I’d like to focus on Toddlers & Tiaras.  This show has been on since January of 2009.  Each season they have a cluster of girls that age range from three to ten.  Each background of the girls is typically the same: the moms are forcing the girls to live out their own dreams, the girls start to rebel, the girls get punished, on to the next pageant, etc.  Toddlers & Tiaras shows it all, on stage and off.  The show is really not good publicity for parents; they are showing their true color on television, for the whole world to see what they think is fit for their children.
            On one particular episode of Toddlers & Tiaras, a mother puts in both of her children.  A five-year-old boy and a eight-year-old- girl.  Surprisingly enough, the mother was shown favoring her brown headed, dark skinned, blue eyed little boy than her blond headed, fare skin, blue eyed little girl.  The have different fathers.  She stated how her little boy would be a winner, and the little girl would learn how to accept defeat.  These are inhuman words to say about your own children.  Since when do parents openly favor one child over their other? These children are going to be affected in the long run and putting it on national television not only makes viewers feel bad for the kids, but it makes the parents look awfully sad.

Too Far?

Little girls are constantly getting exploited on this television show.  One show reportedly shows a little girl dressing up as Dolly Parton as her talent act. Dolly. Parton.  The small petite woman with breasts too large for anyone let alone a child.  The parents stuffed a bra for their daughter and also amplified her bottom to fit the part.  In another episode, the mother dressed her child up as the character Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman.  Now, thinking it’s funny is a personal opinion, but when thought about realistically, it’s just sad.  A mother dressed her child up as a prostitute, literally.  This is overly insane how these mothers don’t see what the problem is!
            These mothers may get mad at the fact that so many people are against the idea of their child dressing up as Dolly Parton or the prostitute off of Pretty Woman, but they are setting themselves up for criticism from the public as soon as they get in front of that camera.  They seem to not care what it takes for their daughters to win.  They are willing to go through hoops if that is what it takes.  Toddlers & Tiaras does not need to be based on the mothers acting out, but more so on the pageant.  This show doesn’t make their girls look like super stars.  Instead, this show makes the children look like spoiled divas, due to their deranged mothers.

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